Originally Posted by OBW
This is the fullness of God’s economy. It is much more than God dispensing himself into man, even though without first receiving that dispensing, all the other teachings are useless. But just because it comes first does not make it the only thing. That is to return to the start over and over. Paul exhorted us to take hold of what is within us (the Spirit) and walk according to it. He didn’t say to wait for more Spirit. He said to walk.
So Lee’s minimalist economy = dispensing is rewriting scripture. And Lee’s claim that Paul said in 1 Tim 1 to teach God’s economy is simply incorrect.
Thanks OBW, for putting up with long suffering my repeating my understanding as expressed in the previous forum.
I would like to suggest that from the quote I took from your point below:
"even though without first receiving that dispensing, all the other teachings are useless."
I would ccomment that everything in the New Testament is also useless.
I would completely agree that the reference in I Timothy is not a concrete lead in to his teaching, but the word economy does give a good description of His purpose.
I would also like to agree that this is not the only teaching from the NT. There are many teachings that are "glossed over," because, "all you need is the dispensing." Unfortunately, it has become such an emphasis that young ones will never get a good foundation of the teachings of the bible, due to the over simplification of this one concept, negating the many other godly admonitions taught in the bible.
I think over the months (years?) I am getting a better grasp of how great a deveation can happen with the gross emphasis of one point, negating the rest of the precious truths of the bible.
Much grace to you!