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Old 11-08-2013, 12:11 PM   #4
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Default Re: 2005 Article: Watchman Nee and the Little Flock movement in Maoist Chin

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Interesting, to me, that I gave every waking moment of my life to this movement without really knowing anything about its history. I was told that WN had gone back to China, been imprisoned and died there, and that WL got out and continued his work elsewhere. I guess the details were not helpful to the story, and I am amazed today by my total lack of curiosity. I guess I thought it was "knowledge" that "would kill". Just be simple, be stupid, don't be curious, and "eat that tree".
After attending a few meetings in the church in Cleveland, I purchased Nee's biography, Against the Tide, and began reading it. One of the Cleveland elders, James Yang, cautioned me not to read that book, since it had "over 200 major mistakes in it." Being a good little member, I threw the book away, considering it to be nothing more than persecution against the "faithful" ministers of God. Whatever curiosity I had was quenched by the elders.

After that, I learned that Lee was writing THE definitive story of Nee, which of course did not appear for 14 more years. For close to 30 years, the only Recovery history, I ever heard or read, came from within the Recovery.
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