Originally Posted by aron
Interesting, to me, that I gave every waking moment of my life to this movement without really knowing anything about its history. I was told that WN had gone back to China, been imprisoned and died there, and that WL got out and continued his work elsewhere. I guess the details were not helpful to the story, and I am amazed today by my total lack of curiosity. I guess I thought it was "knowledge" that "would kill". Just be simple, be stupid, don't be curious, and "eat that tree".
After attending a few meetings in the church in Cleveland, I purchased Nee's biography,
Against the Tide, and began reading it. One of the Cleveland elders, James Yang, cautioned me
not to read that book, since it had "
over 200 major mistakes in it." Being a good little member, I threw the book away, considering it to be nothing more than persecution against the "faithful" ministers of God. Whatever curiosity I had was quenched by the elders.
After that, I learned that Lee was writing THE definitive story of Nee, which of course did not appear for 14 more years. For close to 30 years, the
only Recovery history, I ever heard or read, came from
within the Recovery.