Originally Posted by Roger
Regardless of who passed it around here in America, the idea of “deputy authority” was firmly enschonched in Witness Lee’s heart all the way back in China.
In a meeting in Pasadena, in 1988 (or maybe ’86) he was asked about being God’s only “Oracle.” He stated that ever since 1948 he could not see anyone else on the earth who was speaking as God’s Oracle. At the time, he viewed Watchman Nee to be that one.
If you read his book, “The Vision of the Age,” he makes it clear that the mantle was passed down to him. That’s if you use “Deputy Authority,” “Oracle,” “One Trumpet,” and “Apostle for the Age,” interchangably.
With each one of these titles he has either implied that it is him, or has come outright and said so. His successors certainly have not been shy to put all these lofty titles on him, and even more.
Dear brother Roger,
How sad it is that WL would take this exalted view of himself and how sad it is that his successors would perpetuate this view of WL. This really grieves my heart. By the sheer mercy of God, I have been devouring the speakings and writings of other ministries ever since He led me out of the LC one and one-half years ago. Without a doubt, it is clear that Lee was most definitely NOT the sole "Oracle of God" on the earth since 1948.
First and foremost, this date of 1948 discredits almost the entire time period of "The Resumption of Watchman's Nee's Ministry". WN was active in ministry at least as late as 1951 and was not arrested until April, 1952. Also, D.M. Panton was active in ministry (publishing his
The Dawn Magazine) right up to the time of his death in 1955.
What about the other co-workers of WN that were also sent out of Mainland China at various times before the Communists took over? Stephen Kaung is, of course, still very much alive and still actively ministering the riches of Christ to the Body of Christ. I do not know if Simon Meek and Faithful Leek are still alive, but Simon Meek was very active in ministry at least as late as the mid-1960's.
On top of that, T. Austin-Sparks ministered until shortly before his death in 1971. Bakht Singh ministered actively until at least 1990 (he was bedridden the last ten years of his life and passed away in 2000). Paul Billheimer (author of
Destined for the Throne, a book much appreciated by WL and the BB's) ministered on TBN until shortly before his death in 1984. Ian Thomas (author of
The Indwelling Life of Christ,
The Saving Life of Christ,
The Mystery of Godliness, etc.) passed away only a little over a year ago, August 1, 2007.
These brothers, and many others, are/were all gifted and annointed New Testament ministers and each one is/was a unique gift to the ENTIRE Body of Christ. They all carried out their portion of the New Covenant Ministry. To say that WL was "God's Only Oracle" since 1948 is to ignore the rich supply of ministry with which the Holy Spirit has been supplying the Body of Christ right up to today.
"So then let no one boast in men, for all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come, all are yours." (1 Cor. 3:21-22)