Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-23-2008, 02:43 PM   #483
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 129

TJ wrote: Remember I am not speaking at this point to when the deputy authority/hierarchy teachings began to enter through Lee in southern California. I don’t know about that clearly yet, though I have some clues.
I wonder what you mean by this. Explain?

It is interesting to me that you trace this idea of deputy authority back to 1965. Those papers and tape came from WL, am I correct? I have heard it suggested that this doctrine/practice came into the lc with Max R. I 'came into the lc' at the exact same time as Max, part of his gang from San Clemente. That system of hierarchy was already firmly in place at that time --- summer of 1970. Firmly. This is one that no one should try to blame on Max. (I am not suggesting that you suggested that).

You know, I never heard the term deputy authority. Clearly, the practice was full-blown while I was there, but I never heard the term used until I came to this forum. It took me a while to make sure I knew what it meant, exactly. Let me run this by everyone, make sure I got it right. Okay?

A deputy is second-in-command to the top authority -- so God is the top authority, and lee was second in command? Am I right, that this is what was meant by this? Because I always think of it in terms of a deputy is usually the second-in-command to the sherrif. Like Sherrif Andy Taylor and Deputy Barney Fife.

Now, don't get me wrong --- I love Barney Fife --- I just don't want to follow him!!! :rollingeyes2:



Last edited by finallyprettyokay; 08-23-2008 at 02:59 PM.
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