Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-23-2008, 09:34 AM   #478
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
...Matt has pointed out to me many times how there was not even one good king in the northern kingdom. All of these kings were idolaters.

Josiah was a king in the southern kingdom who went through all the land and even into the northern kingdom destroying idols.

So now you get a little more of the story. I believe God has put this matter in Matt's heart from his youth for His own reasons. I suspect Matt has some leading from the Lord to bring up this topic. So, I don't think you're going to be able to shut him up with a few water balloons or spit wads....Thankful Jane
Picture this:

A nice little visit to the Andersons on a lazy Saturday afternoon in Plano. Nell is in the den cornered by Matt and the Kings. I've got square eyeballs by now and decide to go to the kitchen for a drink of water come the Kings! I drink what seems like a half-gallon of water and move on to the living room...where are this kid's parent's? I suspect the "better Nell than Me" syndrome at work here, 'cause John and Jane have left the building!

Finally, my one last retreat down the hall with the patter of little feet behind me as I turn and say "Well, Matt. How much trouble are we in?"


Sorry Matt...for throwing you under the bus.

Last edited by Nell; 08-23-2008 at 09:55 AM.
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