Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-23-2008, 09:11 AM   #477
Thankful Jane
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Default a little about Matt

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
As to Matt, I believe Matt felt a genuine call from God to moderate the other forum and sacrificed a lot to do so. It's possible when everyone moved here, he saw that as a kind of rejection of his efforts, and is still ambivalent and perhaps frustrated about it. I don't know, I'm just speculating. So, forgive me, Matt, if I'm off base.

I'd just like to say to Matt, that the demise of the other forum was not a failure, it was a step forward, and his efforts were absolutely not a waste. This forum would probably not exist as it does without Matt's commitment. (Not to take anything away from UntoHim.)
Dear Igzy,
I think I know Matt pretty well, so for the sake of us all understanding each other better, let me say that in no way was Matt hurt by what happened on the other forum (and he doesn't know I'm writing this ...). He took that as a job from the Lord and did it. As often as I was accused of it, I had absolutely nothing to do with him being on that board. He actually was there before me. God is the one who sent him there and he took that job seriously.

He saw the move over here as something orchestrated by God and was pleased about it. (I think he is still a moderator over there.)

On this forum he is not under the constraint of being a moderator and having to enforce rules. He is just under the constraint of his conscience. What I see happening in his current stance, is his willingness to go toe to toe when he feels it is important to do so. He's never been one who is into worrying what others think about him. He's very much into what God thinks of him and being obedient. I agree he has come across strongly, but that's been only about a topic, not about or against any person or persons. Knowing him, He wouldn't be sticking to this topic like he is, if he didn't believe God wanted him to.

So yes he can come on strongly, but he also backs down quickly and easily when he is convicted of sinning in some way (he wasn't always that way--and I got to have the fun of being on the other end of that), but all to God's credit, it is the case today . Sorry, Matt ... for my little disclosure.

One more thing, while I'm in the mode of disclosing some things, when Matt first began to seriously follow the Lord, he fell in love with the Bible. He told me one day that in order to get his school work done, he had to go somewhere where there wasn't a Bible or he'd end up reading it.

Now to the interesting part. He loved the Old Testament. He loved the books of Kings. He would come and talk to me about all the various kings and what they did, which were good, which were bad, etc. Like a good mom I listened, but I didn't share his fascination with the subject. It was clear to me God was behind his interest. After all, how many 17 year old boys love to read about the kings in the Old Testament in their spare time. Then he found Josiah. He loved Josiah and talked about him for days. Over the years Josiah has been a key figure to him, and his love of the O. T. has not waned.

So, knowing about Josiah, I am not surprised with his interest in this topic. He sees the role idolatry has played among God's people and how it is on topic for this thread on spiritual abuse. The kings were God's people who continually sinned against God and His people. Matt has pointed out to me many times how there was not even one good king in the northern kingdom. All of these kings were idolaters.

Josiah was a king in the southern kingdom who went through all the land and even into the northern kingdom destroying idols.

So now you get a little more of the story. I believe God has put this matter in Matt's heart from his youth for His own reasons. I suspect Matt has some leading from the Lord to bring up this topic. So, I don't think you're going to be able to shut him up with a few water balloons or spit wads.

Thankful Jane
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