Originally Posted by Ohio
The point is simple. If you go hunting for idols and demons in every home of every saint who ever loved a message by WL in the LC, then you better have a home and a heart that is "squeaky clean," and passing regular inspections.
Whining, no. I was just reminiscing about "the old days" when I too was convinced that God was into "idol-smashing" rather than into saving people. I was only hoping that my mistakes would help you. Sorry, if my points are too brief, lacking "substance."
The "chord" you are striking is the "ding" from my sword. It's sharpened. Do you still want to use it? You mentioned the first idols in Exodus. Is it time for us all to become like Levi and slay his idol-worshiping brothers with the sword? I don't think so.
I'm not the only voice here that has been pleading with you to drop your current course of action. You are not my enemy. I'm just afraid for all the others you may "kill." You came to this forum with an unrecognizable passion that frankly has scared me. I realize that I may take a few hits, but that's OK, if I can protect others.
Hi Ohio,
Good morning.
I can see how you think that this line of discussion is going to
kill or hurt people, but isn't that a little far-fetched? We're just
talking about these topics. Discussion never killed anybody (except in the LC

). Out here in the real world, there really is no need to protect others from hearing or participating in a discussion.
It isn't right for anyone to try to dictate or derail or side track a discussion just because they feel it will hurt others or because they do not like the topic for some reason. That has been going on for a day or so now. (To be clear, I'm not talking about the demons topic that got blown up to be more than it was ever intended to be. I'm talking about the discussion about idolatry. However either topic is valid for discussion.)
We don't have to worry about what people reading it will think. It's their right to think whatever they want to think, including rejecting everything they read.
If you want to end this discussion and prevent the bad impact you fear, then the easiest way is to do so with biblical refutation of the things being said. It isn't good for either you or Matt to make comments about each other's persons or manners such as "I've never seen this side of you" or "there must be some crying and pouting, too" or using adjectives like "scary" and "whining." Why can't we just stick to the topic and put the swords to it, not each other?
Part of the problem with the whole LC dynamic was the inability to have discussions. They got labeled as "negative" "rebellious" "not profitable" etc. We are free to discuss or not. We shouldn't be found in a position of preventing other's discussion.
The truth is let each man decide in his own mind. This implies let each man hear the arguments.
Thankful Jane