Originally Posted by Ohio
Thus, until this date, no one at LSM has ever negated a single statement made by Steve Isitt. If they did, calling it a lie and him a liar, then they would have to address the facts of the case, something they dare not do. The actual facts of history are what LSM fears the most. Thus, by categorizing all that Isitt has written as "death," and labeling him a "man of death," they strike fear in all their members without following any of the New Testament prescriptions for addressing sin, or a sinful brother.
The whole death v. life thing is another handy tool of deception used by Witness Lee and now LSM employees to divert attention away from their own behavior and history. "Pay attention to life not right and wrong" etc are catch-all phrases designed to stop those with legit concerns in their tracks. It gives those doing wrong or covering up wrong a license to do whatever they want without recourse.
Discussing "the facts of the case" requires a certain amount of objectivity. The subtlety of the death v. life tool of deception is switching everything into the realm of subjectivity with a nary a concern for the facts.
"How do you feel when you read or talk about what took place in the LC system back in the late 1980s-early 1990s? "
"I feel sick to my stomach."
"Ah ah! That is because you are eating of the wrong tree. You are touching death brother. You should pay attention to life. Get out of your mind and turn to your spirit where life is..."
Very subtle! But the truth is:
1. I
legitimately feel sick to my stomach
based on the facts regarding corruption, lying, deception, mistreatment of others, machinations, hypocrisy, politics, manipulation, immaturity, etc. in the upper echelons of the LC system.
2. This is the way I
should feel.
3. What I feel
really is life.