Originally Posted by Igzy
I think it's interesting that Kangas chose to call Steve Isitt a "man of death." Why didn't he call him a "man of sin?" Because if he did that he'd have to specify his sin, and he can't do it because there is none.
Originally Posted by Terry
Interesting for all I have heard from the audio on Ron's disparaging words towards Steve and words spoken locally by appointed elders regarding Steve, for all Steve has wrote, NOT ONE has called Steve a liar.
Great observations brothers.
Witness Lee made a big deal about "death" by spiritualizing certain Levitical ordinances about touching dead bodies. None of the apostles had done such a thing, but that is besides the point. Like his use of "leprosy" and the "replastering of houses" in Leviticus for all those branded rebels, Lee was able to contrive teachings whenever needed to protect himself from being accountable. It was like Lee was telling us, "
you may think I have sinned, but if you say a thing, then you will be dead, and that's far worse."
The result is to hold the saints in fear and to negate the feelings of their conscience.
How powerful and controlling is that? Our conscience is trained by God's word to be sensitive to sin, the violation of God's commands. Lee successfully established an alternate standard which bypassed the consciousness of identifiable sin, and introduced the new standard of "death" which only he could identify and use, when necessary, to divert attention from sin within his ministry to death within his accusers.
Thus, until this date, no one at LSM has ever negated a single statement made by Steve Isitt. If they did, calling it a lie and him a liar, then they would have to address the facts of the case, something they dare not do. The actual facts of history are what LSM fears the most. Thus, by categorizing all that Isitt has written as "death," and labeling him a "man of death," they strike fear in all their members without following any of the New Testament prescriptions for addressing sin, or a sinful brother.