Originally Posted by alwayslearning
Tragic to hear of the demise of the post LSM LC in Columbus. The LSM bunch and Titus Chu & Co like to tinker around with other peoples lives with nary a care what the impact will be. Philip Comfort, Lewis Cheng and more recently John Myer all gone from the LC which is left with a leader/s who wants to take the church into the prosperity gospel!
True be told in practical terms a lot of the "oneness" in the LC system IS based on Witness Lee's ministry whether in the BB or Titus version regardless of the stated theories of "oneness". If an LC (rare) does have solid local leadership who have developed their own ministries and helped others do so (have a deep bench) then they can go on without Witness Lee's ministry and the edicts of those who claim to represent it. Maybe where Nigel Tomes is in Toronto is an example of this. I'm not sure.
Whenever a healthy and gifted local church eldership attempts to follow the Lord and serve their church accordingly,
inevitably they will move away from these dominating ministries. They will no longer desire to be a satellite lackey of remote ministry with their never-ending demands and programs.
Therefore, it is always in the best interests of these empire-building bureaucrats, both in Anaheim or in Cleveland, to constantly remove and relocate these locally gifted ministers
away from any potential following they may have among their local saints. This alone ensures the needed power over satellite churches. Once their local elders are removed, especially the gifted ones who started the church and ministered to her healthy condition, the remaining saints are thus crippled, and forever need the headquarter ministry as a crutch.
Unfortunately no one else has come forward to address these self-serving measures which so characterize the leadership of the Recovery. Brothers grow up just assuming this is the N.T. way. Twice I have personally migrated to help start new churches. Both times Titus Chu forced the leading minister to relocate against his will. It was never their choice because it was not a choice they as workers were allowed to make. Later on I learned that behind the scenes Witness Lee and Titus Chu were battling over the "rights" to these two brothers. Each wanted them to build up his own empire. Neither leader cared for the condition of the local minister, his family, nor the church where he longed to serve. Neither bothered to ask the Lord what He desired either.