Originally Posted by Ohio
If you ask the saints in Columbus over the years what their "mission statement" included, they would all answer that they were a "local" church, loving the word of God, and desiring to testify of the living Christ, and Him alone...It is tragically amazing to have witnessed for decades so many sincere brothers, longing to know His will and seek guidance of the Holy Spirit, only to have all that regularly shelved by the steady stream of directives coming from headquarters. Call them the "new way," or the "flow," or the "God-ordained way," or some "urgent training," or whatever other deceptive ploy might be used, the real goal was never as stated, but rather always had surreptitious designs to maintain and expand the empires of notable Recovery leaders.
Tragic to hear of the demise of the post LSM LC in Columbus. The LSM bunch and Titus Chu & Co like to tinker around with other peoples lives with nary a care what the impact will be. Philip Comfort, Lewis Cheng and more recently John Myer all gone from the LC which is left with a leader/s who wants to take the church into the prosperity gospel!
True be told in practical terms a lot of the "oneness" in the LC system
IS based on Witness Lee's ministry whether in the BB or Titus version regardless of the stated theories of "oneness". If an LC (rare) does have solid local leadership who have developed their own ministries and helped others do so (have a deep bench) then they can go on without Witness Lee's ministry and the edicts of those who claim to represent it. Maybe where Nigel Tomes is in Toronto is an example of this. I'm not sure.