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Old 09-06-2013, 07:09 AM   #394
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Default Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
I am wondering what their goal was, their "mission statement" might have been. Because if they were holding on to some of the LSM or Titus Chu's wood, hay and stubble, it was bound to dissolve.
If you ask the saints in Columbus over the years what their "mission statement" included, they would all answer that they were a "local" church, loving the word of God, and desiring to testify of the living Christ, and Him alone.

What we have seen, however, continuously displayed by power hungry bureaucrats in both Anaheim and Cleveland are those who merely pay lip-service to the welfare of the saints, and place their own empires high above all. Whether it was Titus Chu publicly shaming local leaders in order to beat them into submission, or LSM operatives working backroom politics to win at all costs using lawsuits and slanders, neither side would dream of following the actual patterns laid out in scripture by the Lord Jesus and the apostles.

It is tragically amazing to have witnessed for decades so many sincere brothers, longing to know His will and seek guidance of the Holy Spirit, only to have all that regularly shelved by the steady stream of directives coming from headquarters. Call them the "new way," or the "flow," or the "God-ordained way," or some "urgent training," or whatever other deceptive ploy might be used, the real goal was never as stated, but rather always had surreptitious designs to maintain and expand the empires of notable Recovery leaders.
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