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Old 08-22-2013, 06:40 AM   #299
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Concluding remarks on Psalm 18

Originally Posted by aron View Post

It is good to get older. It took Moses 80 years to wake up and hear God's voice. But one day, there it was.
"If only I knew back in the day what I know today" It is! ...if we are abiding in Christ, learning from our experiences and His Word, walking in S/spirit. We are supposed to grow wiser. I hope I am. I hope we all are. I do know most people in the world and most religious people I know have not changed. That is why we are called to be Light to the world. That their eyes, ears and hearts may be opened to the Love of Christ and His Ways.

it is actually implied (to me) in the accompanying narrative of battle: the champion of Israel, David the son of Jesse, goes forth and slays the seemingly undefeatable giant of Gath, and all of the army of the Philistines runs away in fear and shock. David was such a warrior that an entire army would fall back before him: "Who wants to fight David? Not me! You fight him!" So through one man's heroics a people was saved...........

As mentioned earlier, I'd just begun considering this psalm; I claim no experience nor expertise. Merely a few remarks made in passing.
In the last few years, I have been learning to connect the OT with the NT. Psalms while comforting and encouraging is very prophetic and also points to the last days of the church age, the days we are living in.

Not to move off topic, I am simply making an observation.. Most likely in the 7 yr Trib especially the latter half, the type of giants found in Genesis 6 and the type David fought called the Nephelim will emerge. (Why do we suppose there is so much horrific scientific experimentation in cloning and weird breeding.)

The point is...Lee had tunnel vision. All he saw was "God's economy in the LC. He wanted to 'clone' the church to his vision. When we learn to look at the Scriptures through God's Eyes, He removes the veil.

Carry on. :-)


Carol G
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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