Originally Posted by Unregistered
I have relatives who accepted Christ as Savior in the mid 70's. Their lives and personalities started to change positively. They then became involved in the local church, which they are still involved in, and they became distant from the family, somewhat argumentative and critical. One of the members seemed to be coming out of lifelong depression after first becoming a Christian - appearing happy, until they started with the local church. Now, after almost 40 yrs in that cult, depression and withdrawal seems to characterize the personality.
Do not despair. We are living in the last days and everyone's eyes will open to the Glory and Praise of our Savior sooner than later. It is the Holy Spirit Who drew us to the Lord Jesus, Who is constantly filling us with His Love, His Truth, His Life. No matter how loyal people are to Witness Lee, The Spirit of God will open their eyes and their hearts to repent and cry out to Jesus as Lord and Savior.
When people desperately want to be set free and healed, The Lord will answer and deliver them.
I have frequently prayed for the cult's deliverance from deception.
Keep praying for the LORD to draw your family to Himself, to watch over them, to fill them with His Love, to cover them with His Precious Blood and to protect them from all weapons formed against them.
You will be rewarded for your prayers.
I'm wondering if anyone knows whether the local church is increasing or decreasing in numbers. Also, does anyone know if perhaps individual churches are seeing their doctrinal errors and turning away from them to true Biblical Christianity? Are there particular states or cities where people are coming out and/or changing their fellowship's beliefs?
Of the people I have been in contact with who have been in the LC "forever", many of the children (who are adults now) no longer are in the LC. Some have civil relationships with their parents. Others have nothing do do with them and it goes both ways. Some LCrs practically have disowned their kids and some kids have practically disowned their parents.
I pray for the restoration and Bonding Love in families and friends.
Carol G