Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner
Matt, Jane,
I need to exit this topic. Nothing personal. I've made my case against the claim of evil spirits influencing the recovery from the outset so no need to continue repeating them. I went back on the other board and found a sequence pretty much the same as this one here.
Okay. I know I'm a little charged up on this and even if I respond personally on some levels, I haven't taken offense and I don't take offense. I've always liked you and still do!!!
I will present some more evidence that Lee's methods of instituting hierarchy and top-down control were already well in place in the 60's. One of Lee's ingrained tactics was taking control of a group of believers and getting them fully under his authority. This was before and after coming to the US. There was no lull in this behavior. Conditioning people into submissive behavior to something other than the Lord God is part of instituting an idolatrous system. I know the idolatry word is hard to take, but the core of it is 'bowing down and worshipping' something/someone other than the Lord Himself as pre-eminent in your life. It can happen unknowingly (in ignorance) at first. This is one of the reasons why John says "
Guard yourself from idols". To guard, you should be informed.
These things I will present happened long before the BB's. The evidence is anecdotal and you may dismiss it, but it is worth reviewing. I'll post a link to it on this thread over the weekend.
One last point: In all the history of Israel only one king got rid of
all the idols. Idolatry existed from Exodus 20 onward. There were about 40 kings. Most of them were into idolatry. The few who did not go into idolatry dealt with it to some extent, but only one was really thorough and of him it was said that he walked in the ways of the Lord, not turning to the left or right. He also celebrated the best passover since the times of Samuel. He was the last king of Judah before Israel became a vassal state of Babylon.
His behavior was pleasing to the Lord, but he also screwed up and got himself killed because of his disobedience to the Lord's command.
So, in mixing the good with the bad, the bad is always there but before God judged Judah, he did a thorough cleanup. Part of that cleanup was exposing and destroying
all the idolatry. He was dealing with everything (and I mean everything) that would take their hearts off of the Lord and onto other things.