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Old 08-05-2013, 02:24 PM   #54
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Default Re: What is Building Up?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Basically, all I get from Lee & Co that I am "growing in the spirit and life of Christ" is "Trust us. If you do what we say, then you are indeed growing in the spirit and life of Christ." Not much to hang my hat on, as I approach the Judgment Seat. My relationship with a publishing house in Anaheim California has become the de facto equivalent of my standing before God.
Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
As a result, all the saints have learned the hard way that the only "safe" relationship on earth, tried and tested of a truth, is our standing with "the ministry." Marriages can collapse, families can war with each other, all of which has been foretold in scripture, yet never ... let me repeat never ... drop your stand for the ministry. Don't even trust your own conscience, since you can be self-deceived, but the ministry alone is supposedly "faithful" to Him who promised.
Both these responses nail it.

It's ironic. The LRC claims to have such an understanding of the Triune God. But what is the Triune God but a relationship? The Trinity tells us that at the heart of reality are... relationships. The Father and the Son relate, and the Spirit is their relationship.

Yet LRCers don't get this, to the point that they discredit relationship itself, as TY did in his post! This shows that despite their spiritual rhetoric they are actually clueless about what the Trinity is essentially about.

The Bible tells us to know God. But knowing a person requires a relationship. Yet LRCers dismiss relationships. Go figure. Building without relationship is entirely theoretical. TY's definition of building is entirely theoretical. How do you know you are built with others other than knowing that because of what you've been through together you would go to the wall for each other? I don't know of anything. I believe I'm built with some brothers who are still in the LRC. But the only reason is because of what we went through together, not because they read the ministry and I did too.
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