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Old 08-05-2013, 02:19 PM   #53
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 360
Default Re: What is Building Up?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Since friendships are such a bad thing, let's decide that "honey" in the Levitical offerings refers to "natural relationships." We can't be having any of those, now can we? That teaching subsequently became quite valuable to the Recovery since storms, departures, and quarantines have become such a regular feature...As a result, all the saints have learned the hard way that the only "safe" relationship on earth, tried and tested of a truth, is our standing with "the ministry."
Witness Lee was a master at directing people's loyalties away from anyone but himself and his ministry. Eventually loyalty to others in normal relationships erodes away and is replaced with an abnormal, impersonal and weird relationship with this thing called "The Ministry". I would even go further to say this plainly: some in the LC system love "The Ministry" more than their spouse, children, extended family, saints in their locality, etc. And BTW their spouses know it and so do their children, etc. It's damaging and hurtful.
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