Originally Posted by james73
I felt sad reading some of the posts here, because I have no friends at the LC, after 18 months. I have tried; the reason mostly is control and fear from the elders. They want to "build up the body" but they are also afraid of damaging the body. Hence, brother James is forbidden to hang out with those sisters any more (Two of those sisters, aghast at being accused of wrongdoing in hanging out with a brother, no longer attend the church.) Any activity where an elder won't be present is discouraged - just as Satan prevented Paul from reaching his destination (Thessolonians 2:18), the few times I have arranged meet ups with the brothers outside the church, the elders have run interference to prevent the meet up happening. I truly see this interference as Satanic, because it is NOT from God, it is from fear, from control.
In the LC, it's difficult to be honest and have depth because of the fear of man. If you don't fear man and aren't political about it, you find yourself experiencing the over reactive nature of some elders (maybe not all). In the professional work environment no one appreciates or likes being micro managed. Yet this is what certain elders and co-workers do in the church life. You find yourself being micro managed by elders maybe in part they can't trust you or questions being asked the elders can't handle your concepts? As much desire there is to build up the body, when the micromanagement issues in false accusation of wrongdoing, the elders or elder needs to get right with the sister. By the way a similar scenario did occur near my area a few years back so it's nothing new.
In the context of this thread a healthy action to issue in building up is through reconciliation.