Originally Posted by OBW
[In 1 Cor. 8] knowledge is the contrast for building. And it seems that there is also a directional difference.
Knowledge affects yourself while love affects others. It builds up. Not only yourself but those who are loved.
Knowledge is inward (and negatively) while love is outward and positive.
Also I think the contrast between knowledge and love is an issue of substance, and permanence. Knowledge, if it "puffs up", creates a vacuous structure, of little solidity: "hot air", if you will. Any trouble, any wind and storm, and it will be gone. The "building up" of love, however, will endure.
"Love is patient; love is kind; love is long-suffering." Love endures.
I am slowly realizing that there is a whole nuther level of reality, which cannot be adequately presented in outlines, footnotes, and bullet points. And it is probably quite related to the idea of "building up".