Originally Posted by ABrotherinFaith
I can't count the number of times I've been told NOT to have HUMAN relationships with brothers and sisters, not to have preferences among brothers and sisters... ostensibly this seems so right, so spiritual, so much according to God's economy, but my question is if this is even possible as a HUMAN--not to mention as a Christian. How can I avoid the love God has placed in my heart for my family, for my friends and those who He's brought into my life? Seems impossible. And to be built up don't we need precisely those relationships, those types of relationships to flourish?
One possible side effect of this type of mandate is the lack of care for those outside The Church, those not being "built up."
That's why there is no real LOVE in the LRC...even among themselves! They are afraid they are going to offend Lee and his cohorts! Of course we need relationships! I get what they are saying..."Don't let your relationships be in a constant carnal state of mind'. However they are conveying it all wrong!!
We are supposed to be spiritually minded but that does not mean LC minded! What is NORMAL about reading the life studies or HWMR booklets or anything Lee or LC centered? The other day at Walmart, there was this very small, very short older woman trying to reach for a blouse too high for her to reach. I was hesitant to help her because to
.making a confession here... she had a bunch of tattoos!
I hate tats! Anyway, I went right over to her and asked her if I could help her get the blouse down. She was very thankful and what a lovely woman she was. We began chatting. She told me about her health problems and her family.
As we started to go our seperate ways, I asked if I could pray over her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and prayed for her and her family. Now isn't this quite normal? It SHOULD be!!! Another time there at Walmart, I was standing in line to pay when a young man at the other lane began having a seisure. Falling to the ground, shaking, someone placed a towel under his head as the paramedics were called. I did not know initially what was happening to him but I stepped out of my line and walked over towards him, extending my hands over him and praying silently for him. Do you know another man joined me ? Several people stood right where they were in line and also prayed !!! When he came to, I went over to him and told him the paramedics were coming. I also told him I was standing right by him while he was having a seizure praying for him. He grabbed my arm and thanked me. He had never had a seizure before.
To be totally honest, I am most comfortable around hungry non-believers or believers who do not go 'to church'. I can be myself...my SELF... ahh...but this 'self' is IN Christ at all times. And this 'self' is being renewed day by day. I love thanking the LORD for constantly renewing mind! One day our minds in Christ is going to be manifested!!
Have FAITH brother! Faith that God has plans for you to prosper. Plans not to harm you but plans to give you HOPE and a (bright) Future!
Carol G