Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-21-2008, 07:51 PM   #409
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 129


You know who gets it right with activities for the young people? Mormans. I know I talk about them alot, but just remember I am in the SLC region, and believe me, the LDS church is noticeable here .

Most of their buildings have gyms in them, basketball courts and all. They have dances and all sorts of things. They have 'wards' (the designated meetings) that are Singles Wards --- all sorts of single adults in them. And they have College Wards --- obviously, college kids. They figured out how to help young people stay pure (so they can get married in the Temple ) and stay busy at the same time. I know of one college girl who converted just because she figured being in that church increased her chances of getting married . It did.

Something to think about --- they get it right in this area.

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