The following words in CJ Mahaney's book Humility True Greatness, support this forum so strongly I believe.
'Without others help to see my self clearly, I'll listen to my own arguments, believe my own lies, and buy into my own delusions. I'll forget God's warning: "the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice." (Proverbs 12:15).
Of course, I am accountable first to God, but I need to be humble enough to consider the spiritual blindness (because of the pockets of sin in my life) that the bible warns about in Hebrews 3:12-13.
The words Matt quoted from 1986 is shocking to me. This commitment was strongly against the Lord. Hope, sounds like you denounce this horrible letter/vow!?! Besides yourself, are there other elders that you are aware of that have repented for this vow!?!? Who is Don Looper? What's the healing process biblically to get out of such bondage!?!?