Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-21-2008, 11:06 AM   #387
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 318

Hope further to my post #352 I would add the following:

1. Evangelical kids tend to marry young mainly due to raging hormones. In their early 20s they are ill-equipped and lack the maturity to handle marriage esp in the midst of the complexities and demands of modern life.

2. Hypocrisy of some high profile leaders who teach against divorce, get divorced themselves for non biblical reasons and remain in public ministry.

3. Lack of spiritual growth and depth among evangelicals of all ages i.e. the absence of a deep reservoir of wisdom inside of people.

4. Selfishness, self-centeredness and self-glorification which is exacerbated by the performance based atmosphere of "stars" on center stage with an audience watching as a church model.

5. Hyperactivity and number growth emphasis teaches multi-dimensional busyness as a way of life. When carried into marriages it can create an atmosphere of overcommitment and emotional exhaustion.

I of course would add the Satanic influence which you mentioned. My intent when it was first mentioned by you was not to blow it off but to suggest it was a given.
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