Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner
That's my biggest beef with them, bigger even than their idiotic quarantine. They're boring, incredibly, utterly boring. Sure, occasionally we're all boring. But the BB have perfected it to an art form. They ought to have a class in that at their seminary: "Lifeless Speaking 101." They could have one unit on how to cheerlead: EM could teach that. Then another on how to threaten and warn: MC could teach that. Another on how to use jargon no one understands: they could team teach that. And maybe a unit on long speaking: again, a team project.
The semester exam could be to have students give testimonies that never end. The rest of the class could pick up points for every rote Amen they uttered (one point per Amen) and the speaker would get an A if and only if he could put them all to sleep. He'd get an extra credit point for every Amen uttered from a sleeping soul.
I'm too hard. But hey, if the shoe fits ...
Hey, you must be a teacher