Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-21-2008, 10:00 AM   #380
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 54
Default Idolatry in the LC

Hi Matt,

I wanted to comment on your position that all in the LC have unknowingly fallen into idolatry, due to the fixation of that group to the teachings of Witness Lee.

First, your critical examination of the fruit of the hearts of the LC’ers falling into idolatry, seems to parallel the BB’s “examination” of contemporary Christian music leading to idolatry that is being enjoyed by the Young People around the GLA. To argue against their criticism is to attempt to prove there are no idols before the listeners; and who can say we are without idols? So, your argument is valid only on the base that anything and everything can lead to idolatry, or, who is without idols cast the first stone.

The second charge is the focus on the oneness of the body of Christ. The difference I see is whether this is a practice, or a replacement of the consecration of our hearts to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yes, it can be a replacement, but only if one applies his teachings in the way of making it a necessary tenet of the faith, versus the way of practice. I know many who practice the oneness without making it a doctrine of faith.

I believe from my start in the LC in the late 80’s, that I have attempted to live seeking the oneness of all believers as a practice, carried out by my faithfulness in following my Lord as led by the Holy Spirit. No, my walk has not been “idol free,” but I believe I have been led in the process of being stripped of the idols as I grow in the grace of our Lord and savior, Jesus! Yes, even though I am still in the “idolatry wrecked LC!”

A more practical presentation of idolatry would be in the recognizing of the two paths that have developed among the LC believers as shown by our brother Hope, in following the “ministry” as opposed to following the Lord.

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