Originally Posted by Suannehill
And is the the angel still posted to keep us out, or did this all disappear in the flood?
Dear Suannehill,
Sweeping Flood could be a possibility! I'm sorry there is no explicit verses supporitng that possibility, though...
During my over 25 years of Christian life, the interpretation of the Garden of Eden has been a big hurdle. It is very odd that most Bible expositors don't delve into the issue on the head, rather they focus on it's spiritual meaning.
Anyway this is very intriguing topic. Were the Garden, the threes, the serpent were physical things? If not, what are Adam and Eve?
Today I spent almost 3 hours to think over this issue (inclusing looking up some expositors), in vain.
Dear KSA,
Thanks for your comments. I'd rather not speculate too much.
Once again there is no denying I'm less than the least.
- Gubei