Originally Posted by Gubei
In addition, I don't see anyone answer my unanswered question - Are the Garden, the trees physical things? If so, why can we not find them in the Middle East now? Or other interpretation?
I think they were physical. Man was supposed to eat from the trees in the garden. Therefore, since man's body is physical, the trees must be physical too. As for where is this garden now, the Bible is not too clear about it. The only hint that I can find is that at the end of Revelation we see that the New Jerusalem is coming from heaven to earth. And we see the tree of life in this city (which originally was in the Garden). So we may guess that the garden was eventually taken to heaven, but I would not speculate too much here.
We should also realize that earth's geography very much changed since the fall. Before there was only one continent, now we have several, so I think it is futile to try to figure out where the garden originally was. It will all be just speculation.