Originally Posted by Arizona
So far I am with you in this discussion as far as it has gone. Man believed the lie and God's word was fulfilled, in that man did indeed die as God had said. This explains man's deadened spiritual condition, but it also makes man his own source of indwelling sin? (that is my question!). How do you explain "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life"? It seems to me that although these things may not be a result of an "injected" satanic nature they surely seem to be a replication. Is that what you are saying? (reminds me of Plato's ideal forms). Forgive the mention of Greek philosophy but if you are familiar you may understand my thought more clearly.
Thanks for your comments.
Thank you,
Arizona, for your very good questions. Here is my intake. The word "lust" means "a very strong desire". Therefore, lust comes our of our will. Pride comes out of our self. Here it says that lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life are "in the world". To me it means that in the world there are things that appeal to our desires. The world stirs us up. There is something in our flesh that matches things of the world. The world lies in the evil one, that is Satan is the source of the world. So to me the world is a devilish system devised by Satan to seduce us and stir up sinful desires in our flesh. Satan really works from outside, but not from our body. He developed a system that tempts us and stirs up our flesh.
Rom. 12:2 says that we should not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. It means that conformation to the world happens in our mind. Therefore, to be saved from the world, we should be transformed and renewed in our mind. It is not a matter of satanic nature; it is a matter of our mind. Actually our mind is a battlefield between God and Satan. Satan tries to blind our mind (2 Cor. 4:4) and corrupt it (2 Cor. 11:3). God gives us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6), transforms and renews our mind (Rom. 12:2). Our Christian life depends on where we set our mind on - flesh or the Spirit, things of men or things of God, earth or heaven? Our mind is an eye of our soul, whatever it beholds, we become. If we behold the glory of the Lord, we are transformed in the same image. If we loose the lust of the eye, we are conformed to this world.
You know, the notion of nature is impersonal. When you say that there is some kind of nature in you that makes you sin. It is very impersonal. It is just some kind of natural force that overwhelms. However, Satan is something personal. That is why James says that friendship with the world is enmity against God. And this friendship and flirting James calls adultery. God is a person, and Satan is a person. We either develop personal relationship with the Lord, or we develop intimacy with the spirit of this world. Satan tries to seduce us so that we would fornicate with him. When woman cheats on her husband, she does it because she is seduced by another person. In the same way we cheat on God, when we are seduced by another person. Woman usually cheats when there is a break in relationship with her husband. Whenever our relationship with the Lord is broken, we become susceptible to the seducing voice of the evil one. Well, I am a little cared away from your question, but I hope it helps. God bless you!