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Old 08-20-2008, 10:57 PM   #87
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Sue is right about Brother Dwight overseeing the construction of many greater Ohio meeting halls. Hence, he was quite a blessing. It's surely not easy to coordinate church volunteers, provide them with tools, and hope they don't hurt themselves ... and produce attractive and useful halls for the minimalist of costs. He and a few others would spend all day doing the challenging work and then prepare for the evening and weekend shifts when the "army" would show up. Often times that is more stressful than doing the work yourself! My father was a general contractor, and there was no way he would tolerate such "egregious work conditions." Dwight would literally spend months working out of town for other churches.

Many brothers learned much from working with brother Dwight. He could be tough at times, but he had a great sense of humor, and you knew ... eventually ... that he loved you. He was focused on the task at hand, but he did not sacrifice people for the program. Many times we Christians "oow and aah" over great ministers whom we have never even shaken hands with. I prefer the ministers who can work with their hands, rub shoulders, and really get to know. Dwight was such a person.
Ohio, I had never heard of brother Dwight. Based on the posts, he was quite a brother, very loved, and dearly missed.

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