Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-20-2008, 08:35 PM   #348
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 129


What a beautiful story of how you and you wife were married. And in the pictures you so generously share with us -- what a beautiful family.

Family -- marriage, children --- are truly the most beautiful, best gift given to us --- the divorce rate is so sad. All those broken people, lost chances. In the past 3 or 4 years, my husband had his relationship restored with 3 grown children from a first marriage. It had broken his heart for years, and having them in his life again is God's gift to him. Imagine this -- NINE grandkids came with the package. Wow, huh?

It's hard to pick out the most obnoxious doctrines/practices of the LC, but the one about 'she is too beautiful for you' (or him for her) has got to be in the top 10. At least. How completely against everything God is, and that Jesus taught. Can you imagine that being part of the Sermon on the Mount? Blessed are the ones considered outwardly beautiful, for they shall inherit each other? Obnoxious and against God.

Terry, you have written that your parents were great, and believe me, brother -- it shows. It's written all over every post from you.

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