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Old 05-25-2013, 07:46 PM   #38
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Minister of the Age

Originally Posted by KSA View Post
I remember when I discussed the events of 80's with a brother who is in the current LC leadership, he told me that Philip Lee was not a main issue. The main issue, according to this brother, was the matter of the minister of the age. So the main "sin" of those who had left then was that they did not recognize Witness Lee as the minister of the age.
1. Where is scriptural support for minister of the age in the New Testament economy?
2. If Paul considered himself to be MOTA, would he had said 13 Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? 14 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, 15 so that no one would say you were baptized in my name. (1 Cornithians 1:13-15)?
3. "There is also an implication that to be one with the wise master builder the saints today must be one with the group of brothers who call themselves “blended coworkers”. So to speak, the oneness with the blended brothers is considered as indispensable for the one accord in the churches." If I may be so frank to paraphrase brother Sergei's last sentence here to reveal what the full implications of oneness really means.

So to speak, partiality towards the blended brothers is considered as indispensable for the one accord in the churches.
4. Agreed Philip Lee was not the main issue, but he was an issue. When you say the main issue was minister of the age, the brothers in question were not some 30-something gifted, yet spiritually immature brothers, but 50-something gifted yet with more measure of spiritual maturity. Brothers who in their youth were influenced in their Christian life by other servants of the Lord. In the late 80's many of these ones who left saw the writing on the wall most other saints did not see. Watchman Nee spoke it well from page 85 of Spiritual Authority:

We should not uplift ourselves, but at the same time we should not make others despise us. We should always sanctify ourselves and should not jest lightly. We have to learn to separate ourselves in the Lord. A worker should not be arrogant, but neither should he give reason for others to despise him. Once a worker becomes too common, he is disqualified from his work.
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