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Old 05-23-2013, 01:07 PM   #32
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 360
Default Re: Was Day Star poor judgment or fraud?

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I don't have my hymnal with me today, but I recall a hymn singing about every local churches administration being local. If that's the case how can a co-worker/elder be kicked out of church housing?
Does the local church own the homes to support their full-timers or does the ministry?
If the administration of the local church is indeed local, then LSM could not expect tellowship to issue in a full-timer becoming homeless.
IMHO it was quite naive for elders and/or coworkers to rely on their income or housing from any church beholden to Witness Lee. Which was basically all of them. It put them in a very precarious position.

Titus Chu was smart enough to have outside sources of income and to make Cleveland and other churches beholden to him. This left Witness Lee as a kind of figurehead with no real influence or power in GLA unless it went through Titus.

But let's say Titus didn't do this. To my knowledge he lives in a home that is owned by The Church in Cleveland on the back of the property where the meeting hall is. If not before certainly after Whistler he would have been tossed to the curb. If the LSM execs could have found a way to influence the eldership there or a majority of those who control the assets of the church to go along with their quarantine scheme Titus Chu would be gone in short order. Imagine at his age being kicked out of his home especially if didn't have other sources of income!
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