Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-20-2008, 03:44 PM   #322
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Default Could you answer my question? Is accuracy important?

Originally Posted by djohnson View Post
Hope you wrote this: "The LC/LSM did not promote or permit any of the horrible social issues and sins that dj listed. There was no more than what you might find in society and among other Christian groups" a couple of posts after a lady wrote the 14 out 15 marriage ended in divorce in one year. I have news for you: that stat is out of the ball park.

One of the features of addictive family systems is they don't like "outsiders" knowing and discussing the issues they confront. But outsiders offer a valuable service - if nothing else a sense of objectivity and the non adherence to "sacred cows" or if you prefer: white elephants in the living room.
Could you answer my question regarding where I claimed there was no relationship between the LCS and the problems in the families? See my previous post for the exact quote from your post.

I believe the sister from OK City said that of the marriages from the year 1980 or 81 eventually 14 ended in divorce. She did not say the divorces occurred in one year. But again what does a little accuracy or exact information matter?

Do you really believe we should think of you as an outsider who brings a sense of objectivity. You had to mean that tongue in cheek. Great sence of humor. I got a good laugh.

Don Rutledge

Last edited by Hope; 08-20-2008 at 03:50 PM. Reason: adding text
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