Originally Posted by Ohio
Nearly every time WL discussed our history of "storms and rebellions," he attempted to set the "axe to the root" and called it "hidden ambition." We all bought into that explanation. We thought he was a wise, old brother who could discern brother's hearts. I have now, for the most part, rejected that explanation.
Based on your comments here, Matt, why was the blame never placed on ones like BP, who was so "absolute." He was never called "ambitious." Whether he used WL or whether WL used him is another matter also. In the past 50-60 years, just about every brother of conscience, who steps forward with heartfelt concerns, was silenced and judged as being "ambitious."
In other words, following your line of thought, all those who leaned towards idolatry, by being absolute for WL and his ministry, later were rewarded by WL with positive encouragement and praise, while all those who ever resisted some part of his ministry, for conscience sake, were judged as "ambitious."
I find this part of WL's ministry just plain rotten.
Thanks for bringing out this fact. Benson and Ray were two of the most focused persons I have ever known. They were the poster boys for "Purpose Driven." And what was the focus? You guessed it. They wanted to be in charge. There was one sure way to get on Benson's bad side. That was to exert initiative without his approval. On the other hand there was a sure way to get on his good side. Be "useful" for his objectives. Of course you can find this phrase "useful to me" in Philemon. When he referred to a saint in a favorable way, he almost always used the phrase he or she is useful. I have heard him discuss up coming marriages from the vantage point of will the usefulness of the brother or sister be increased or decreased.
In Christ Jesus there is hope for us all,
Hope, Don Rutledge
PS My memory has failed me on who won that game with Texas for the national title. Help me out.