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Old 05-15-2013, 08:37 AM   #123
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Default Re: The Local Church Lexicon — Common Phrases

Originally Posted by james73 View Post
So here we see the beauty of the lexicon. They are talking about the Local Church/LSM/LRC but they calls it "the Lord's Move" as in something wider, something of ALL Christianity - when I tackled him afterwards, as of course I did, he and the elders (olders) said "of COURSE he is just talking about the work they are doing, not all Christianity, we are not claiming to be the only Christians in India" [or something along those lines, I got confused with it frankly]. But in the meeting, as went into the ear of the young ones who loudly AMEN, the message is that there are no Christians in India but for the great work of Witness Lee's ministry. It's this doublespeak which drives me nuts.
There's no "beauty" in their lexicon, since it only serves to puff them up, and to reduce the God of the universe to the size of the hearts of their leaders in Anaheim. The "centrality and universality" of God is only as large as their standing order for HWfMR.

Note that insiders are 'saints," but outsiders are "Christians."

One day they will realize that they have become a far worse denomination than some of the ones they condemn.
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