04-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
Posts: 3,545
Re: My Philippines Experience
Originally Posted by Indiana
Hello Brother Steve,
Thank you so much for the times that you have shared with us. As Sis. Bebe said, maybe you are like an angel sent from God to help us in our difficult situations... helping me with our basic needs, my mother in-law "Eding" in her hospitalization, and Ernesto's Medicine and other...
I'm very sorry, for my lack of time in fellowship with you. God knows my heart of how I desire for us to have often fellowship or do visitations to our brethren here especially the new ones like Alvan. Perhaps, I am just carried away looking for ways to provide the basic needs of my family. I have 7 mouths to feed at home and where do I get the 250.00 Pesos a day for our food? Of course I need to work (Doing Electrical Jobs, Fixing Appliances and T shirt Printing... Ask God for direction, what to do for each day for us to have something to eat. Not all the time that there will be costumers. Again, I need to pray. Thank God, that there has not been a time that during our meal time there was no food to serve at the table. Praise God. He is our Jehovah Jireh!
Tomorrow, you will be leaving us. But your legacy is always in our hearts. You had laid treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroyed.
Together with my family and the Church of Christ here in Camaman-an, we love you brother Steve! We will truly miss you. See you again.
Always in Christ,
Mark and Mary Ann
Indiana, having read the letter you posted this is a very good example when one door closes another door opens. As you had indicated in your post a brother indicated it takes a "special calling" to make it in the recovery. Obviously by the brothers rejection of you in partiality, your Christian experience in the Local Churches might have come to an end. What it has done was opened a portion of the Body you might not have otherwise come into fellowship with.