Originally Posted by countmeworthy
It is not difficult for me to fellowship with other believers. What I hate personally is when I am asked "What church do you go to"? Up until that moment, most people I fellowship with get all pumped up as I uplift them in Christ. I really do my best to point them to Christ.
When I tell them I meet and fellowship with all believers, I get " yes. but you need to be in a church". uh-huh. WE ARE THE CHURCH People !!!!
Carol Garza
Carol, this is interesting, I would like to know more- because I found it difficult to be like this with the Local Church. On the one hand, the group gets get a little sniffy and teary-eyed when I talk about other Christians in the city or don't go to "their" meeting on a Sunday or Friday night (or use the word "Sunday" instead of "Lord's Day", ok don't get me started........!)
And from my own side, I do feel that getting to know one group has benefits, intimacy and friendship for example, which may help in a Christian journey.
But I am intrigued by what you say - can you be a "roaming Christian" in a city where people indeed expect you to "be in a church"? I love the idea that "we are the church", and have tried it myself, but practically speaking I have found it a little difficult. Not giving up on it, but I am temporarily back in the fold of the LC, so to speak.
By the way, I am in Hong Kong and this is my first post here, greetings all