Originally Posted by Unregistered
When approaching Christian unity, the higher principles which are talked about by the Lord Jesus directly are "loving one another"
Originally Posted by Ohio
I brought this post forward to supplement the "One City One Church" thread. Though anonymous, it was obviously written by a seasoned LC veteran who had carefully re-examined this matter.
I found this particular posted article as a worthy accompaniment to Nigel's article "LSM's Sacrament ..."
I have a dilemma and I would appreciate some insight, input and counsel.
The scriptures teach very clearly there is One Body, and One Spirit..One Lord, One Faith, One baptism. We endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace.
Even though Lee and the LSM lost the Anointing of the Spirit by putting Lee and the LRC above their Creator and Savior, I really liked/like the concept of One Church - One Body. I think that is quite scriptural.
I loved how it was pointed out to me back in the day there was one church that was born on Pentecost. Paul wrote to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, etc.. not to the RCC, the Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals etc...
I thought that was an excellent observation brought to my attention...to ALL our attention. Right?
But Lee screwed up in many ways. After all the teaching on "the church - the body of Christ", the LC was still an organized religious business with a board of directors, President, Treasurer, Secretary, a paid staff as well I am sure. Oh well. Life goes go on. And Life in Christ Jesus is very good. At least it is for me.
Now for my dilemma and the insight/input/counsel I need.
Many, perhaps most of you posters and lurkers might be going to a "church". Maybe you have assimilated quite well. I have not!
I never have. :-( And GOD knows how I tried!!! The closest I ever got to assimilating into a 'church' was the LC!! And even then, while I loved the fellowship, the meetings for the most part in San Diego and sharing the gospel, I was never comfortable inviting or bringing anyone to the church meetings. I would and could do it so long as I was around others comfortable inviting people to the meetings.
I do not have a beef if someone chooses to attend 'church' and has become a member, etc..
But for me, I do not fit it in !!!
Is there something wrong with me? And keep the wise cracks to yourselves !
It seems every 'church' going person I encounter adulates their pastor as if he is God's ONLY gift to the church. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people tell me that their 'pastor' is truly a Man of God! He studies hours and hours and prays and prays to feed the "church".
Do you guys hear that too? Doesn't it nauseate you? How do you deal with it?
Part of the reason I left the LC when I did is because by 1978, 'Brother Lee' was more lifted up than the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit! We know that!!
Recently I bought Time magazine with the new Pope on the cover. I bought it because there was some interesting history on the RCC I took notice of. The cashier almost went into cardiac arrest with joy when she saw the picture of the pope. She "HAS" to get that magazine!!! She went on & on about the pope. I simply smiled at her.
A few weeks ago, I attended a service with a friend. He told me for the umptienth time that there is no pastor like his pastor. That pastor was not there to hold the service. They had a guest pastor speaking to the congregation. The guest pastor went on and on about the pastor of the church.
Today a neighbor came by to invite me to a bible study tomorrow evening. He goes to the "church" I attended for 4 years. I told him I used to go there.
When I asked him what his role was, he told me he was the 'director' of hospitality and the pastor's personal assistant attending to his personal needs so he could study and pray. That pastor of course is such a "Man of GOD"
as the man's eyes grew large.
I want to puke every time I hear people adulate a person and I hear it a Lot from church goers. "Every 'church' has the best or the most 'anointed' pastor!!" But the disturbing part for me is I do not want to hang out with these people. I do want to fellowship so long as it is centered around Christ and not the pastor's teachings! I have already been through that !!
I also want to make it clear that I have the utmost respect to anointed teachers/preachers/leaders. I recognize the anointing on a person.
I told the guy we ALL ought to study the Word of God and pray without ceasing. I told him the harvest is ripe and the laborers are few.
So with the topic at hand of one church/one city from the biblical point of view, are you all comfortable being "members" of a church organization?
I am not.
Thanks and Blessings all,
Carol Garza