Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-20-2008, 11:48 AM   #284
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 318

OBW my original question was: "what role, if any, do you think the LCS played in the development of these behaviors?"

So far we have heard many answers but the weakest for me so far is a former leader claiming no role for the LCS. No cause and effect relationship. I consider that to be a cop out. A child cannot grow up in a Lee obsessed or any other obsessed environment and not have an effect on their behaviors. Call it addiction, call it idolatry, call it obsession, do the footnotes with the usual disclaimers that it doesn't include everybody...but at the end of the day Lee and those leaders and parents who abdicated are accountable. Weaseling around it just feeds into the irresponsibility that is part and parcel of the LCS.

Men who think Lee is the acting god and wasted millions on building white elephants and convinced people to give their life savings for Lee's businesses and covered up for Lee's son and had their entire agendas wrapped up in Lee and openly bullied people along with Lee and supported his bullying at the same time were fathers and husbands. Are we to believe that they checked their irresponsibility and obsessions at the front door every night when they came home? I don't believe that at all. And anyone who does is a patsy.
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