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Old 04-12-2013, 02:32 PM   #382
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Default Re: Ground of Locality Conference

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
So I ask again, are you really seeking "oneness" according to the Spirit, or are you connected only with those ones willing to be controlled and submit to your leadership?
I think the key to understanding this, Ohio, is to realize that these LC leaders have no clue what oneness is. To them oneness is going with the program, being a yes-man, and never rocking the boat for any reason.

But that's not oneness.

Real oneness means you can fellowship with any brother or sister in any setting, with no judgment or agenda. Period.

The LC leaders are all about agenda. In fact, they consider being for the agenda as being one. But that's being a religionist.

A Christian who truly knows oneness knows how to drop his or her agenda in a heartbeat, receive brothers and sisters, and stayed focused on Christ.

People who stayed focused on Christ are always going to annoy people with agendas. People with agendas always think they are right about something and the rest of us need to get on board with it. Their method is to convince you that you need to go along with them to show you are truly a devoted Christian--aka guilt, fear and bullying. At the heart of that is arrogance.
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