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Old 08-20-2008, 08:29 AM   #202
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Originally Posted by Paul Miletus View Post
This Old Testament picture showed us vividly what happened and pinpoints the cause of the death of the people Israelites. The Israelite nation is a representative nation for all the people at the time this story was being written in the Bible. The Israelites in the Old Testament are actually "us" who have been bitten by snakes and transfused its venom into us which caused our death. Likewise, we all know that "snakes" signify "Satan", and perhaps, "venom" signifies "sin".

This is a good picture. However, there is no need to interpret this picture so vividly. It is sufficient to interpret it to mean that Satan "bit" us and we "died," that the poison is his deadly influence, i.e. lies, which when taken in, i.e. believed, cause spiritual death.

Lee takes the interpretation to an extreme, saying the poison is Satan's nature. But that interpretation doesn't even fit the picture. A snake's nature is not in its poison and the poison does not convey a snake's nature to it's victim. It's simply an influence that comes from the snake that kills.

The poison need only be interpreted as the LIE of the enemy. The enemy lies, we believe it and die. There is no need to believe some concrete spiritual "substance" got into us.

The fall was cause by man corrupting himself. Because the fall put man in a state that required redemption to be delivered from, i.e. that he could not get out of on his own, this state was necessarily passed onto his offspring.

Again sorry to say, Nigel Tomes, has also missed this wonderful truth from the Bible, and therefore, Nigel Tomes' writing is DEFECTIVE and LACKED SPIRITUAL REVELATION!
This sweeping dismissal does not follow from the points you made.

Last edited by Cal; 08-20-2008 at 08:37 AM.
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