Originally Posted by Cassidy;
I will clarify the point about the ground of oneness. The ground of oneness does not embrace those who take just any basis for fellowship. Rather the ground or stand or basis, pick your term, is oneness......
I would say the ground of oneness is a narrow way and not the broad one you suggest.
Shalom & Blessings Cassidy,
When I first got saved and became part of the LC, the saints "in my locality", were reading and studying the Word in the KJ or NASB. The fundamental Truths ingrained into us were the Assurance of Salvation, the Power of the Precious Blood of the Lamb, Sanctification through the Living Word and the Blood of Jesus and the church being the Body of Christ.
The Lord Jesus was the Ground of Oneness. This is why we chanted over and over "O Lord Jesus".
For my first 2 months in the LC, my fellowship with the saints and their fellowship with me revolved around Christ. The meetings were about the Word of God.
The ground of Oneness was Christ the Solid Rock. All other ground was sinking sand. We stood on THAT Ground.
But as I was introduced to the "Life study" messages, Brother Lee's teachings became the ground of oneness.
We stopped trusting the Holy Spirit, the Life Giving Spirit to open the eyes of our understanding. We relied on Witness Lee to reveal the Word of God to us. No one searched the scriptures for themselves as we are instructed in the Holy Bible.
After all WL was the apostle of the age. He was the "Paul" of our generation. WL was accountable to -NO ONE-. And God forbid, we found error in his teachings. That would bring about expulsion and create division in the church. In the end, the saints were stifled.
The ground of "oneness" became the "life studies", the RcV, and whatever Lee's "revelation" was. In the end, many left. Those that attempted to respectfully confront WL were ostracized. Couples divorced because of their allegience to Lee. Families were/are divided not for their stand for Christ but for their stand on being one with Lee and his teachings.
In 1975-76, there was no official "Lord's Recovery". We were the Local church and Christ and the church. The local churches under Lee's directive had elders and deacons but were on par with the saints. This was true in San Diego.
That is one aspect of the LC to this day I respected in retrospect. I have been to many a "church", where the pastor does not fellowship/mingle with the congregation. I do not know if this still holds true in the LRC today.
Regardless, that behavior no matter how good, is not the the basis of the ground of oness. Christ Jesus, the Living Word is and always will be the Solid Ground of our oneness, the Solid Ground we stand on. In being One with Him, the Body of Christ is fitly framed together.
You are correct in that the Ground of Oneness is narrow, for we must be crucified with Christ, dying to self, and resurrect with Him in Newness of Life.
Blessings and Peace in Christ Jesus,
Carol Garza