Originally Posted by Cassidy
Well then Ohio, what exactly did Max confess to at Thankful Jane's dinner table?
Just for the sake of accuracy ... The Rapoports (this spelling is correct, I believe) were not at my dinner table. What I said was, “across the dinner table.” We met at a restaurant for dinner.
Originally Posted by Cassidy
However, as to the "lies" spread about Max I am not aware of what he meant by that in your conversation with him.
Again, for the sake of accuracy...What you wrote sounds like Max said that lies were spread about him. I did not write that Max said such. He may have, but I don't remember that he did. What I remember is that Max and Sandee told me the truth of what happened to them and how it progressed. I made the observation in my post that lies were spread about him because of the things I heard with my own ears in 1978. I heard things which were represented as the truth about Max that did not match with what the Rapoports told me in person.
Originally Posted by Cassidy
All those incidents were recounted with many brothers and leading ones discussing these matters openly. In all those '78 meetings PL never came up as an issue by anyone. Just never mentioned by either side.
I find this response to be rather curious.
First of all, were you there? How do you know this? Which brothers and leading ones were present recounting and discussing these matters openly? Where did they have such discussions? In the interest of bringing truth to light, please share facts you know and can support.
When you write, "In all those '78 meetings PL never came up as an issue by anyone. Just never mentioned by either side," does this mean you were in all those meetings? Does this mean that Max was present to represent his "side"? If this is not what you mean, then what sides are you referring to? Please answer and help me get the picture out of my mind of an open recounting and discussing scene similar to Whistler 2006.
Originally Posted by Cassidy
Therefore, in relation to Max and his expulsion PL was never a factor. The things Max said and did on the road led to his dismissal.
You are making an absolute statement here as if it was a matter of fact. Exactly how do you know PL was never a factor? Were you a witness or directly involved in some way during that time?
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
Thankful Jane