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Old 03-28-2013, 05:47 PM   #70
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Default Re:

Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post
Ohio, stop putting words in my mouth. I don't care if you agree with me but I do care if you twist my words. It is not befitting a brother.

So knock it off.

The eye-witness account is that you heard a testimony. Now either that "SoCal brother" incident happened or it did not. Of course it did. Understand?

Now it was for those very kind of behaviors that Max was relieved of duties. It's simple. The complaints started flowing in . Your elaborate conspiracy theories are fanciful. It had nothing to do with PL. You are a decade off if you think that. Sorry friend, everything does not fit nicely into your "bad bad WL theory of everything".

You are over-complicating and contradicting yourself in the process. I won't give you the rope to hang yourself. I care for you too much.

Let the reader decide. No further explanation is required.
Do you understand that Max confronted WL about PL in the late 70s? This event took place at the same time as the sister's rebellion and preceded the case with JI by a number of years.
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