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Old 03-28-2013, 04:46 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Cassidy View Post
Was this eyewitness account one of those lies?: " One of the SoCal young people who was part of Max's entourage to bring us "brother Lee's burden," gave this testimony. "I was traveling across the country enjoying the Lord, until I came to Ohio, and then something started to stink." This was offered as added proof in the meeting that we were not "in the flow," and had somehow deviated from WL's leading because of TC."
Cassidy, that was no "eye witness" account of any thing. That was pure delusion. How in the world does one leave Indiana (or Kentucky) and enter the state of Ohio, and the whole place "stinks" because all the folks back home spread rumors that TC and the GLA were "out of the flow?" Do you really believe that TC stunk up the whole state of Ohio? And that the stink stopped at the borders.

C'mon man!
You thought that was an eye-witness account? That was utter nonsense. Shame on Lee and company for all the damages they caused to so many young children of God! When all these youth finally woke up from their WL-induced stupor, they exited the nearest door. Then Lee had to blame someone for that too. So he used Max. How convenient.

Cassidy, why are you not willing to admit that Lee disseminated and proliferated ridiculous rumors about TC because he was perceived to be a threst to his leadership. The blendeds all got this message, but it seems like these things never got explained to you. Don't you understand what Whistler was all about? Do you still think TC got the boot for wanting clean sheets and playing electric guitars?
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