Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 08-20-2008, 05:43 AM   #268
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Question Taking the fellowship!

Good Morning Roger,

I think you post is pretty much right on. I can remember thinking "why did you call me about that?" I always tried to treat all with respect and dignity but to tell a saint that what they had brought up for "fellowship" should be taken care of by themselves caused some to think you did not care for them. It was a catch 22. This whole fear of the hierarchy undermined any possibility of a healthy church and stunted everyone’s growth.

I can prove on almost any issue that was a chronic problem that deputy authority or some permutation of it was the root problem.

Perhaps later today I can make further comments. But basically I would only agree and maybe add a little twist here and there.

In Christ Jesus there is hope for us all,

Hope, Don Rutledge
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