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Old 03-28-2013, 04:15 PM   #66
Join Date: Dec 2011
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Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Oh please. The lies told by Lee and company are that Max and his wife both were staging a coup d'etat to wrest control of the Recovery. They were both leaders of a rebellion to topple the ministry of WL.

Are you trying to say that you never heard this Cassidy? You really expect me to believe that? The whole Recovery heard this repeatedly for years after it happened. The real tragedy is that we never got to hear both sides of the story.
Well then Ohio, what exactly did Max confess to at Thankful Jane's dinner table?

Was this eyewitness account one of those lies?: " One of the SoCal young people who was part of Max's entourage to bring us "brother Lee's burden," gave this testimony. "I was traveling across the country enjoying the Lord, until I came to Ohio, and then something started to stink." This was offered as added proof in the meeting that we were not "in the flow," and had somehow deviated from WL's leading because of TC."

This incident was not a lie and it was indicative of the problem with Max. Something had to be done about it and was.

Now you are arguing on Max's behalf? Makes no sense.

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