Thanks much, Thankful.
Originally Posted by Thankful Jane
Maybe only God and Lee and Phillip know why Lee did what he did to Max and Sandee, but the fact is that he did it. The fact is that his pet doctrines meant nothing to him when it came to his own personal interests. The fact also is that it is too late for him to make right his sin against Max and Sandee (and many others.) It is also too late for Phillip.
What you just said summarizes what bothered me the most. All Lee's teachings were for others, but not for him. Not when it involved his "boys."
Originally Posted by Thankful Jane
Max did not portray himself as innocent when he gave us his account of events. He confessed that, much to his shame, he had functioned as Lee’s right hand man and carried out his wishes. He had done nothing without Lee’s blessing and approval. This included manipulating churches and elders. Max confessed to us his shame over this fact and made it plain to us that he had thoroughly repented for this behavior, admitting it was fueled by his own ambition.
Thank the Lord for this report. As a rule, whenever protracted conflicts occur, and one side claims complete innocence, most probably they are lying. The only difference between Lee and Max in this whole affair was that Max admitted what he had done. Lee admitted nothing.