Originally Posted by Cassidy
Moderator, (Igzy)
I see now what is confusing.... when I reply to a note like this one I see the title "Wild, wild, Midwest..." and think I am in the Wild Wild Midwest thread. But when I scale up to the top view I see this is actually the "ground of the church" thread.
I know you were moving stuff around to keep the topics aligned. Apologies for not recognizing that and adding stuff about the midwest events to this thread. I will look for that in the future.
I think this discussion is very relevant to this thread. I gave Ephesians 4:3-6 as what I perceive to be the clear word in the NT concerning the ground on which the Church should be built. However, this is preceded by verses 1 and 2.
4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
You can't talk about "endeavoring to keep the oneness of the Spirit" unless you are walking worthy of the vocation with which ye are called. It seems many on this forum are upset that WL, WN and the Blendeds spend a lot of time talking about "the ground of oneness" yet overlook the matter of walking worthy.
Cassidy and others may argue that WL did walk worthy of the vocation but never answer the question "why did WL appoint PL to run the LSM office? Why when confronted about PL's abuse of women were the messengers always shot? Why did WL stand with PL when he was exposed in sin even though it resulted in various ship wrecks in the LRC? Why was everyone who knew of PL's sins black balled by WL?
4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
Regardless of how you judge WL as to walking worthy of the calling can anyone honestly characterize this man as walking "with all lowliness and meekness"? My definition of meek does not include being litigious. My definition of lowliness does not include proclaiming yourself to be the Minister of the Age, the one true ministry, the only Christian group that is standing "on the proper ground". I don't define "longsuffering" to refer to one or two years before you sue the God men, Mind benders, and every other book on Cults. I don't see any example of forbearance.
4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
This is part of the problem. The Lord said if you are standing before the altar and there remember that you offended anyone, first go and be reconciled. You can't talk about "the ground of oneness" unless you have first gone and been reconciled. You don't ignore offenses because "that was a long time ago".