03-27-2013, 08:47 PM
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 262
Re: The Wild, Wild MidWest - All things Great Lakes Area and Canada
Originally Posted by Ohio
No, I don't think so Cassidy. There were many, many saints willing to leave the GLA LC's immediately for greener pastures with Lee. Max converted them into ministry zealots almost overnight, and that was always Lee's goal. I know because I was one of these zealots ready to relocate, like tomorrow. By this point in time TC was viewed as a terrible hindrance to their empire in Anaheim, and a potential rival to their throne.
For Max to go into the midwest and leave with dozens of the brightest young ones would have got him another promotion and a pay raise. He would have returned to Anaheim and entered into their new meeting hall on Ball Road with all the pomp and circumstance of a victorious Roman general. Lee would have called a conference immediately and shared on II Cor. 2.14-16, with Ed Marks giving a glorious testimony to conclude the meeting by reading footnote #1 in verse 2.14.
Cassidy, think how glorious that would be! Max would then stand up to glowing admirations, and then declare to all the saints that he takes credit for none of this fruit, rather all the fruit belongs to God's New Testament economy, consummated in this little god-man Minister Of The Age from China, to a thousand resounding "amens, oh Lord's, and hallelujahs!" Cassidy can just you see it?!? Can you see the heavenly vision?
Ohio, what I see clearly is that you missed your calling in life as a fictional writer. For a moment there I did feel awestruck. Then the facts came rushing back and I came back down to reality.